Argentina FC

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Veo Veo, que ves? The October 2023 Committee Meeting blog

The moment we got the unfortunate news about the Veo Camara…

Dear fellow passionate football players (or enthusiasts shall we say),

In the hallowed (virtual) halls of Argentina FC's committee meeting, we gathered to discuss the latest developments and conundrums facing our amateur club in the heart of London. It was a challenging one, without Angie who was well celebrating her birthday and left us to conduct our meeting online… Below we delve into the thrilling (and slightly baffling) world of Argentina FC.

The VEO VEO mystery

Hard to digest, a tragicomic situation has developed. Picture yourself in an Asado, sizzling Vacio and Choris, and one "VEO" camera left unattended in a plastic bag that was mistaken for trash and promptly chucked into the garbage bin. Yes, you read that correctly. The beloved VEO camera, the key to capturing our glorious (and sometimes not so glorious) moments on the pitch, went missing in the most absurd way possible.

While we are yet to determine if the camera has discovered a new career in trashcan photography, we are considering alternatives to replace our lost comrade. With Contra bringing a plan of action to be voted on next Comitee meeting.

Other Committee Meeting Highlights

Charity: San Isidro de Iruya has expanded its inventory with the purchase of fences and a "Pelopincho" for the summer. Stay tuned for Arroyo Caracole’s first expenses presentation and the definition of future Local charity events.

Secretary & Comms Officer: We've officially entered the digital age with a Google Calendar for club events, and Males 1.0 and 2.0 are gearing up for some thrilling matches. We're also on the hunt for photographers, but be warned, our equipment doesn't always stay where it should!

Sport Director: The male teams are leading the tables, and our training sessions are like trying to fit a circus into a phone booth, but hey, it's well-organized chaos. We will be focusing on connecting women's and men's teams more.

Finance Officer: Our “quotas” have multiplied faster than rabbits, and we're eyeing new pitches for the next season. Also, we are making sure we don't lose too many footballs with shots way above goals, or before even starting the games! Cash and balances were presented, on a presentation, and we are looking as strong as in the league tables!

Social Officer: The social guru is recruiting 2 “Social Officers” (Asado and gira planers) to plan asados and more events to keep our club spirit alive. WhatsApp group brewing, and we are making sure the fun continues to be cancelled in the main group, while secrete tactics and which changing room we are on discussed in each teams group.

Disciplinary Officer: The new rules are in place, and players are paying their yellow card fines without a fuss. We might have to get creative to keep everyone on their best behaviour as it seems some players are happy to pay the cost of having a good word with the ref and with a yellow card as a souvenier..

Male Captain Update: Our teams are kicking it up a notch, and we've kept a clean sheet recently. Focusing on finishing the games strong. Minutes are being shared equally, and the only drama is whether we should celebrate with IPA or Lager.

CEO: The CEO is planning "offsite" meetings (Asados, of course), and he's got a vision for our Club which can be more ambitious than your wildest dreams. Also, stay tuned for more updates on the Barclays women's account, charity events, and the “Gira” destination…

The Path Forward

We're all excited about the potential growth of Argentina FC. We're contemplating a leap to a Saturday FA league, with the Premier League as our ultimate ceiling. On Sundays, we aim for the stars, but Saturdays might just bring us closer to the heavens of football glory.

This Sunday Male Teams 1.0 and 2.0 are playing back to back on our home ground aspire, a must watch display of football after playing lots of games on complicated terrain….

